Our Mission

Evergreen Youth Soccer Club mission: to develop players in the sport of soccer by  providing the opportunity for each player to reach their full potential and play in college or as a professional.

We run a dedicated player centered program which also relies on the parent/family involvement to help the club run and function. What we do is based upon what is in the best interest of our players.  The player centered approach offers the highest standard for youth development.   The structure that we follow involves a learned process based upon psychological and tactical ideas.  The skills learned at each age prepare our players to move into the next phase/level of development.

The development of a soccer player takes patience and time with the understanding of the “win, win, win” mentality is not part of the key.  Yes it is wonderful to win and our players will always play and strive for the win, but this process should be very enjoyable for youth players and it shouldn’t be rushed.  EYSC does not follow an “outcome” based approach but a process based approach with focus on the long term development taking precedence over the short term goal of a game score.

If you think about this  “the level of competence and skill that a 9 year old shows is no indication of the skill and competence they will show at age 16 or 18. So you want to work and encourage your player to be competent and comfortable with the ball and with themselves.  This will give all players the opportunity to reach their potential.”

USSF-Player Development Guidelines